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Résultats pour Pays/Australia AU/Victoria :

YARA Ararat ( Ararat | Australia )
YBDG Bendigo ( Bendigo | Australia )
YBIR Birchip ( Birchip | Australia )
YBLA Benalla ( Benalla | Australia )
YBLT Ballarat ( Ballarat | Australia )
YBNS Bairnsdale ( Bairnsdale | Australia )
YCRG Corryong ( Tallangatta | Australia )
YDOD Donald ( Donald | Australia )
YECH Echuca ( Echuca | Australia )
YHML Hamilton ( Hamilton | Australia )
YHOT Mount Hotham ( Bright | Australia )
YHPN Hopetoun ( Hopetoun | Australia )
YHSM Horsham ( Horsham | Australia )
YKER Kerang ( Kerang | Australia )
YLEG Leongatha ( Leongatha | Australia )
YLTV Latrobe Valley ( Morwell | Australia )
YMAV Avalon ( Lara | Australia )
YMBU Maryborough (Vic) ( Maryborough | Australia )
YMEN Melbourne / Essendon ( Australia )
YMES East Sale ( Australia )
YMIA Mildura ( Mildura | Australia )
YMMB Melbourne / Moorabbin ( Melbourne / Moorabbin | Australia )
YMML Melbourne ( Melbourne | Australia )
YMNG Mangalore ( Avenel | Australia )
YMPC Point Cook ( Werribe | Australia )
YNHL Nhill ( Nhill | Australia )
YPOD Portland ( Portland | Australia )
YSHT Shepparton ( Shepparton | Australia )
YSTA St Arnaud ( St Arnaud | Australia )
YSWH Swan Hill ( Swan Hill | Australia )
YSWL Stawell ( Stawell | Australia )
YWBL Warrnambool ( Warrnambool | Australia )
YWGT Wangaratta ( Wangaratta | Australia )
YWKB Warracknabeal ( Warracknabeal | Australia )
YWSL West Sale ( Sale | Australia )
YYWG Yarrawonga ( Yarrawonga | Australia )
YADD Arubiddy Airport ( Cocklebiddy | Australia )
YATR Amphitheatre ( Australia )
YAUG Augusta ( Augusta | Australia )
YBAL Balladonia Airport ( Balladonia | Australia )
YBBT Boort ( Boort | Australia )
YBCB Bencubbin Airport ( Bencubbin | Australia )
YBEU Beulah ( Australia )
YBEV Beverley (Wa) ( Beverley | Australia )
YBGI Balgair Airport ( Rawlinna | Australia )
YBGR Bridgewater ( Bridgewater | Australia )
YBIU Ballidu ( Wongan Hills | Australia )
YBJW Banjawarn Airport ( Lake Darlot | Australia )
YBOP Boyup Brook Airport ( Mayanup | Australia )
YBRO Bruce Rock Airport ( Bruce Rock | Australia )
YBRS Barwon Heads/Geelong ( Connewarre | Australia )
YBSS Bacchus Marsh ( Bacchus Marsh | Australia )
YCAG Caiguna ( Norseman | Australia )
YCEM Coldstream ( Coldstream | Australia )
YCGI Carnegie Station Airport ( Lake Carnegie | Australia )
YCIG Corrigin Airport ( Corrigin | Australia )
YCKY Cocklebiddy Airport ( Cocklebiddy | Australia )
YCLQ Cape Leveque ( Cape Leveque | Australia )
YCOH Cohuna ( Cohuna | Australia )
YCOI Collie Airport ( Collie | Australia )
YCOY Coral Bay Airport ( Lyndon | Australia )
YCTN Casterton ( Casterton | Australia )
YCTY Cape Otway ( Cape Otway | Australia )
YCVS Cervantes ( Cervantes | Australia )
YCWS Cowes Airport ( Cowes | Australia )
YEDE Edenhope ( Edenhope | Australia )
YELE Belele Airport ( Meekatharra | Australia )
YFSK Fiskville Airport ( Fiskville | Australia )
YGBO Gabo Island ( Mallacoota | Australia )
YGMP Grampians Airport ( Brimpaen | Australia )
YILA Brown Brothers ( Australia )
YITT Mitta Mitta (Wombat Gully) ( Mitta Mitta | Australia )
YKTN Kyneton (Vic) ( Kyneton | Australia )
YKYB Kyabram Airport ( Private Airfield in the Shire of Campaspe | Australia )
YLCS Locksley Field ( Shepparton | Australia )
YLED Lethbridge Airport ( Lethbridge | Australia )
YLIL Lilydale ( Lilydale | Australia )
YLKE Lakes Entrance ( Bairnsdale | Australia )
YMBT Mount Beauty ( Mount Beauty | Australia )
YMCO Mallacoota ( Bairnsdale | Australia )
YMEL Melton ( Melton | Australia )
YMEO Merton Airport ( Merton | Australia )
YMFD Mansfield ( Mansfield | Australia )
YNVE Navarre Airport ( Navarre | Australia )
YOLA Colac ( Colac | Australia )
YORB Orbost ( Marlo | Australia )
YPCH Patchewollock ( Patchewollock | Australia )
YPEF Penfield ( Sunbury | Australia )
YPID Phillip Island Heliport ( Newhaven | Australia )
YPKL Puckapunyal ( Puckapunyal | Australia )
YPOK Porepunkah ( Porepunkah | Australia )
YPYD Pyramid Hill ( Pyramid Hill | Australia )
YQBK Quambatook ( Australia )
YRAG Raglan Airport ( Raglan | Australia )
YROI Robinvale ( Robinvale | Australia )
YRSY Romsey ( Romsey | Australia )
YSLK Sea Lake ( Sea Lake | Australia )
YTDN Tooradin ( Newhaven | Australia )
YTGG Taggerty Airport ( Taggerty | Australia )
YTQY Torquay ( Torquay | Australia )
YTYA Tyabb (Westernport) ( Tyabb | Australia )
YVVA Victoria Valley Airport ( Glenisla | Australia )
YWON Wongalara ( Australia )
YWYF Wycheproof ( Wycheproof | Australia )
YYEA Yeaburn ( Australia )
YYRM Yarram ( Yarram | Australia )
YGRL Great Lakes Airfield ( Lilydale | Australia )
YRID Riddell ( Riddell's Creek | Australia )
YBDF Bedford Downs Airport ( Ord River | Australia )
YBEC Beacon Airport ( Beacon | Australia )
YBIL Billiluna Airport ( Sturt Creek | Australia )
YBLD Brooklands Airport ( York | Australia )
YBOY Booylgoo Springs Airport ( Sandstone | Australia )
YCLG Coolgardie Airport ( Coolgardie | Australia )
YCNH Carnamah ( Carnamah | Australia )
YCTI Cockatoo Island ( Willare | Australia )
YDER Derrinallum ( Australia )
YEAT Yea ( Australia )
YELM Elmore ( Burnewang | Australia )
YEUA Euroa ( Montmorency | Australia )
YGBW Gunbower ( Gunbower | Australia )
YKUW Kurweeton ( Australia )
YLET Lakes Entrance Airport ( Lakes Entrance | Australia )
YLGB La Grange Bay Airport ( Lagrange | Australia )
YMJE Mount James Airport ( West Lyons River | Australia )
YOMO Omeo Airport ( Omeo | Australia )
YOUY Ouyen ( Ouyen | Australia )
YPBH Peterborough/Great Ocean Road ( Peterborough | Australia )
YSLT Sale Airport ( Sale | Australia )
YTDL Tidal River ( Tidal River | Australia )
YWLP Wilsons Promontory Airport ( Wilsons Promontory | Australia )
YSLE St Leonards ( St Leonards | Australia )
YBEB Bellburn ( Purnululu | Australia )
YBFT Beaufort ( Beaufort | Australia )
YWHG Wahring Field ( Croydon | Australia )
YNGW Nagambie-Wirrate ( Nagambie | Australia )
YMOD Modewarre ( Buckley | Australia )
YBPK Batman Park Heliport ( Moorabbin | Australia )
YBHL Bindoon Hill ( Eden Hill | Australia )
YDRN Drouin ( Drouin | Australia )
YUOF Longford Heliport ( Longford | Australia )
YBOS Brooking Springs Hs ( King Leopold Ranges | Australia )
YCBL Camballin ( Camballin | Australia )
YCIL Carlton Hill ( Cambridge Gulf | Australia )
YHGI Hogan Island ( Australia )
YTHA Thylacine A Platform ( Australia )
YOLL Yolla Platfor ( Australia )
YBAI Bandiana ( Bonegilla | Australia )
YBNG Bonegilla ( Ebden | Australia )
YBUW Burwood ( Forest Hill | Australia )
YCAD Calder Raceway ( Calder Park | Australia )
YCLC Colac ( Colac | Australia )
YDMB Dimboola ( Dimboola | Australia )
YDKL Docklands ( Melbourne | Australia )
YDRS Drysdale ( Mannerim | Australia )
YFAP Fawkner Park ( Fawkner | Australia )
YFND Flinders Naval Depot ( Victoria | Australia )
YFTR Foster ( Foster | Australia )
YGTW Great Western ( Great Western | Australia )
YHSV Healesville ( Badger Creek | Australia )
YIVE Inverloch ( Inverloch | Australia )
YIVH Ivanhoe ( Ivanhoe | Australia )
YJBO Jdandboo Field ( Newry | Australia )
YKNH Kilmore ( Kilmore | Australia )
YKOI Koroit ( Koroit | Australia )
YXKT Kyneton District Health Service ( Kyneton | Australia )
YLRV Little River ( Little River | Australia )
YMCG Melbourne Cricket Ground ( Melbourne | Australia )
YMON Monegeeta ( Riddells Creek | Australia )
YMBB Mount Baw Baw ( Baw Baw Village | Australia )
YBXU Mount Buller ( Mount Buller | Australia )
YMEZ Mount Eliza ( Licola | Australia )
YMHM Mount Hotham ( Hotham Heights | Australia )
YMTH Mount Martha ( Mount Martha | Australia )
YMCH Murchison ( Murchison East | Australia )
YNNG Nar Nar Goon ( Nar Nar Goon | Australia )
YNNR Nerrin Nerrin ( Nerrin Nerrin | Australia )
YOCG Ocean Grove ( Ocean Grove | Australia )
YOLP Olympic Park ( East Melbourne | Australia )
YORS Orbost ( Orbost | Australia )
YPAH Panton Hill ( Panton Hill | Australia )
YPFA Port Fairy ( Port Fairy | Australia )
YPTA Portarlington ( Portarlington | Australia )
YPTS Portsea ( Portsea | Australia )
YPWL Powelltown ( Powelltown | Australia )
YQCF Queenscliff ( Queenscliff | Australia )
YRDH Red Hill South ( Red Hill | Australia )
YRIH Richmond (Vic) ( Richmond | Australia )
YRBD Rosebud ( Rosebud | Australia )
YRWS Rowsley ( Rowsley | Australia )
YRSW Rushworth ( Rushworth | Australia )
YSEF Seaford ( Seaford | Australia )
YSLI Seal Island ( Australia )
YSAB Simpson Army Barracks ( Macleod | Australia )
YSNI Snake Island ( Snake Island | Australia )
YSPA Springvale ( Springvale | Australia )
YSTS St Albans ( St Albans | Australia )
YSBE Sunbury East ( Australia )
YTOM Thomastown ( Thomastown | Australia )
YTPD Thorpdale ( Australia )
YVFL Vfl Park ( Mulgrave | Australia )
YVPK Victoria Park ( Fitzroy | Australia )
YWAK Walkerville ( Tarwin Lower | Australia )
YNGA Wangaratta ( Wangaratta | Australia )
YWRG Waranga ( Dunrobin | Australia )
YWAR Warragul ( Warragul | Australia )
YWCS Winchelsea ( Winchelsea | Australia )
YWOG Wonthaggi Township ( Wonthaggi | Australia )
YWOT Wooloomanata ( Australia )
YRMT Yarram ( Yarram | Australia )
YWVN Wolverton ( Archer River | Australia )
YPLB Palm Beach ( Australia )
YXBN Bairnsdale Hospital ( Bairnsdale | Australia )
YXEM Eden Medical ( Australia )
YARC Archer River ( Archer River | Australia )
YUTA Barracouta Platform ( Australia )
YUPA Dolphin Platform ( Australia )
YPPS Piccaninny Plains ( Australia )
YRYW Raywood ( Raywood | Australia )
YAXA Alexandra ( Alexandra | Australia )
YXBT Ballarat Base Hospital ( Australia )
YUMA Bream A Platform ( Australia )
YURB Bream B Platform ( Australia )
YUBX Cobia Platform ( Australia )
YFLK Falls Creek ( Australia )
YULX Flounder Platform ( Australia )
YUSU Fortesque Platform ( Australia )
YUAL Halibut Platform ( Australia )
YHBH Heidelberg West Helipad ( Australia )
YUFA Kingfish A Platform ( Australia )
YUFB Kingfish B Platform ( Australia )
YUKL Mackerel ( Australia )
YUPX Marlin Platform ( Australia )
YUPE Perch Platform ( Australia )
YSCP Scoresby / Caribbean Park ( Australia )
YUSN Snapper Platform ( Australia )
YUNA Tuna Platform ( Australia )
YUFW West Kingfish Platform ( Australia )
YUNW West Tuna Platform ( Australia )
YUWH Whiting Platform ( Australia )
YGNE Gnarwarre ( Gnarwarre | Australia )
YBEUL Beulah (Galaquil) ( Beulah | Australia )
YBOOR Boort (Wright Field) ( Yando | Australia )
YBRDE Bridgewater (Derby Field) ( Bridgewater | Australia )
YBRIM Brim (Home Grange) ( Bangerang | Australia )
YCAMP Camperdown (Border Air) ( Skibo | Australia )
YCHATS Chatsworth ( Chatsworth | Australia )
YCOPE Cope Cope ( Cope Cope | Australia )
YDERR Derrinalum (Elephant North) ( Vite Vite | Australia )
YDERR2 Derrilanum (Polligolet Station) ( Derrinallum | Australia )
YDERR3 Derrinalum (Western Aerial) ( Derrinallum | Australia )
YDIGB Digby (Pleasant Hills) ( Digby | Australia )
YDUNK Dunkeld (Caviar) ( Dunkeld | Australia )
YEURO Euroa (Wignells) ( Euroa | Australia )
YGRIM Grimwade ( Grimwade | Australia )
YHAMI Hamilton ( Bochara | Australia )
YKOET Koetong ( Shelley | Australia )
YKOOW Koo Wee Rup (AarDel Port) ( Koo Wee Rup | Australia )
YKODR Koondrook ( Myall | Australia )
YKODA Koorda ( Dukin | Australia )
YKOTT Kotta ( Kotta | Australia )
YKULW Kulwin (Pickerings) ( Winnambool | Australia )
YLEAG Leaghur ( Leaghur | Australia )
YLICO Licola (Glenfallock) ( Australia )
YMDON McDonald Hill (Boolarra) ( Australia )
YMELV Melville Forrest ( Australia )
YMODK Modewarre (Koranui) ( Australia )
YMODW Modewarre (Watsons) ( Australia )
YMNBL Moonambel (Summerfield Wines) ( Australia )
YMTDD Mount Duneed ( Australia )
YNGBI Nagambie ( Kirwans Bridge | Australia )
YNMBG Nambung ( Nambung | Australia )
YNRNR Nerrin Nerrin (Mount Hamilton) ( Nerrin Nerrin | Australia )
YQMBK Quambatook ( Quambatook | Australia )
YRNBW Rainbow ( Rainbow | Australia )
YSTBG Strathbogie (Strath Hill) ( Strathbogie | Australia )
YTRIS The Rises ( Kanagulk | Australia )
YTUKI Tuki (Stoney Rises Station) ( Smeaton | Australia )
YUDBL Underbool (Linga Airfield) ( Linga | Australia )
YWTFL Waterfall Creek ( Tallangatta Valley | Australia )
YBSL Rowsley / Brooks Landing ( Australia )
YUNUS Unusual Attitudes Airpark Lake Eppalock ( Derrinal | Australia )
YRTH Little River / Rothwell ( Australia )
YTUB Wakool / Tullaburra ( Australia )
YSRG Sunraysia Gliding ( Australia )
YCGW Barunah Park / Craigwood ( Australia )
YJIP Jingalup ( Australia )
YVPC Victoria Police Centre ( Australia )
YGBF Barwon Field ( Australia )
YHGN Homesglen ( Hopetoun Township | Australia )
YXVH Victorian Heart Hospital ( Australia )